Key Concept: 5/10
podium Promotions
irresistible offers
Concept: A framework on how to create offers and promotions that people queue up for and will leave them wanting more. A step-by-step formula you can start using today.
So this core concept is designed to fit within your overall marketing campaigns as the specific promotion you are running. For example you may have a sider Christmas campaign but have several promotions within that and this section focuses specifically on creating the offers itself. If you havne’t already it’s worth checking out the Special Ops core concept which explains how to run successful campaigns.
let’s break down what a promotion is exaclty and then I’ll outline the process I use to package it up in a way that sells.
So what is a promotion? A promotion is simply a tactic to quickly get customers to take action over a short timeframe. Typically these are sales, discounts, offers, competitions and giveaways etc. The obvious and most common promotion is a discount but unless it’s a huge discount these are generally unispiring and don’t get much traction, we can be smarter than that. Follow this process below to generate some ideas for a great promotion that you can build a campaign behind and really drive sales.
You can use this process to create a promotion but it works just as well when starting out when you need to figure out what products or services you are going to sell.

Step 1
Sales is about giving people a solution to their problem or unmet desire. So to create an irrestible offer you need to sell the desired outcome they want. Start by writing down all of your customer avatars problems and then write down a solution to each. The customer avatar is the first key concept so if you haven’t read this check it out as this work has already been done. Below is an example for one of my customer avatars (a small business owner)
Problem: I don’t know where to start with online marketing.
Solution: Answer a few questions about your business and get an instant bespoke marketing plan giving you all your top priorities.
Problem: I don’t understand marketing
Solution: A one stop shop containing everything you need to know about marketing
Problem: I’m not very technical and can’t understand all this techy marketing stuff
Solution: Easy to understand content with simple steps that even your Nan can follow.
Problem: My website just doesn’t get enough traffic
Solution: A simple guide to getting a flood of qualified traffic to your website
Problem: I don’t have the skills
Solution: Quickly discover the exact skills you need and then follow our free marketing fundamentals course.
Problem: I don’t have the budget
Solution: No more wasted costs on agencies and freelancers by gaining access to the tools and knowledge to drive your own success.
These are just some examples, write out as many as you can keeping in mind how your business actually offers a solution.
2. Define the desired outcome
What is the end result and map out the exact steps they must take to get the most out of the product / service
3. Create the bundle
Think about what products you can pull together to solve their customers main problems and get them to their desired outcome. Make sure it checks off all the steps you wrote down in step 2. Remember if you can always bring in a 3rd party if you don’t offer everything in house. For example you sell website design so you could bundle up the design, hosting, copyrighting and a marketing plan. Perhaps they really need product photos and a promo video but you don’t provide this, talk to someone local you can trust and bundle in their services so you offer the full package.
Pro Tip. Add bonuses you can chuck in to sweaten the deal. In the web design example you could throw in a digital social media guide or Google My Business set up. You can even do deals with other companies to offer your new customers with an exclusive discount.
4. Give it a cool name and tagline.
The call out, Outcome, timeframe, how, no pain method.
5. The deliverables
What are the deliveribles? Are they a full DFY or DIY is it 1 on 1 or group? What do they actually get
6. Value Checklist
Does it tick off:
-High value low cost to deliver
– Do they perceive it to be valuable
– Will they believe in they will be likely to achieve the result
– Its not a huge effort or sacrifice / risk
– You are confident you get deliver on the promise
– You can make is sound and look cool
6. How to price it right
Has to be 80% gross margin.
How to build one
Free Option:
Paid Option (pro members)